

Hi, I’m Candy! I’m a down-to-earth girl who works at the library. I work here because it gives me lots of free time to explore all my naughty porn fantasies. Fantasy stories are my favorite, especially the ones that involve big dicks, blowjobs, and lots of deep fucking! I’m obsessed with cock, so I spend most of my days imagining one inside of me… my panties get so wet that I have to clean the chair I’m sitting on.

This is a daily routine, and I get so worked up that I have to rub my pussy all the way home. As you can imagine, when I get home, I explore all my fantasies to the extreme. I have a selection of toys that keep me happy, although I’m never really satisfied. I give my sex toys blowjobs and imagine it's a juicy dick, but it's never the same as the real thing. Sometimes I get lucky and bring someone home to explore my hot porn fantasies with. Do you want to be that person? I have so many ideas; we could explore them all! Come join me, and I will spread my legs for you.

Candy is waiting for you in this hot 3D porn animation! She wants to explore all her fantasies and all of yours. What are you waiting for? Add it to your cart so you can taste just how sweet Candy is. This is a 3D porn animation that you really don’t want to miss.

What's Included:

  • 14-minute porn animation in true 4K resolution
  • 55 images of Candy’s porn fantasies and 5 bonus clips

More Information

More Information
ContentOral, Blowjob, Sex Toys, Masturbation, Cumshot, Paizuri (Tit Fucking)
How manyCouple
Breast SizeBig Tits
Dick SizeBig Dick
Ass SizeBig Ass
GenreContemporary, Romance
Year Released2021
File Size1GB

Sweet Like Candy


It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Candice. I'm just your regular girl who works at the local library. Fantasy books are my favorite especially the naughty ones. When I find a hot story and get into the mood, I just can't help but rub my pussy all the way until I'm finally back home. And at night when I'm home alone, I like having my own fantasies. Would you like me to share some?

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This is an image set (not an animation)
Animations in this product are only short clips (not full-length)
This is an electronic downloadable product only, which you can download to your computer immediately after purchase. No physical product. No shipping.
USD$ 15.00