

Deep Tales: The Secret Seal
Once upon a time there was a young and pretty witch who lived alone in her house, which is located in the Endless Forest. She`s name is Morgana Tightcauldron. In one moonlight night, girl reading a very old and boring book. She thought so. But in this book was hidden a one little and not boring secret. The secret gave Morgana a lot of joy and pleasure.

Deep Tales: The Hidden Path
Once upon a time there was a young and pretty elf girl. Her name is Horael Blondbush. She is a royal ranger of the Elvenking. The girl's main task is to patrol The Sacred Forest. Her duty is to protect the forest from intruders. One day, the girl heard a suspicious noise, not far from a secret path that only the elves know about. Horael knew that intruders could be dangerous. But she never thought that they would bring her a lot of joy and pleasure.

Deep Tales: Way To Escape
Once upon a time there was a young and pretty drow girl. Her name is Lutdrizz Darkhole. She is a well now thief from Happywood. The girl's nickname is "The Boneless Thief". And her friends call her like that not just because she can sneak to any house. One day, Lutdrizz arrived to the Bigville on vacation. The girl didn’t expect this little journey will lead to problems. But also lead to a lot of joy and pleasure.

What's Included

  • The Secret Seal - 4k (3840 x 2880) 123 images with and without text in JPG format
  • The Hidden Path - 4k (3840 x 2880) 143 images with and without text in JPG format
  • Way To Escape - 4k (3840 x 2880) 127 images with and without text in JPG format

Deep Tales: Bundle


Three stories about hot girls in fantasy setting in one bundle!

What's Included

  • The Secret Seal - 4k (3840 x 2880) 123 images with and without text in JPG format
  • The Hidden Path - 4k (3840 x 2880) 143 images with and without text in JPG format
  • Way To Escape - 4k (3840 x 2880) 127 images with and without text in JPG format
In stock
This is an image set (not an animation)
This is an electronic downloadable product only, which you can download to your computer immediately after purchase. No physical product. No shipping.
USD$ 21.00